When it comes to spring cleaning, it's most often seen as a way to clean things that normally get overlooked. Spring cleaning is a great motivator for getting to those tasks you've been putting off!
The biggest mistake people make when spring cleaning is trying to do it all at once. While an all-day or all-weekend cleaning spree can be effective, sometimes you just don't have time for that.
When your schedule is overloaded, hire a maid service to do the majority of the cleaning for you, then take on these fast maintenance or organization tasks whenever you have 10-30 minutes to spare:
Load the dishwasher and clean the sink. The fastest way to make your kitchen look cleaner is to get rid of the dirty dishes. Loading the dishwasher only takes a few minutes, then you can take another few minutes to make the sink itself cleaner and healthier.
Vinegar and water spritz around the sink, allowed to sit for five minutes, then wiped clean will get your sink looking cleaner and kill a lot of the germs that like to linger there.
Throw out anything expired. Start in the kitchen cabinets, and start looking for anything that has expired. Do this in the refrigerator as well, then move onto the medicine cabinet (remember to dispose of your medicine appropriately).
Once something is no longer good or effective, all it's doing is taking up room!
Inspect 15 minutes before bed. Waking up to a clean house is a wonderful feeling, and you can do it pretty consistently if you get into this habit: 15 minutes before you go to bed, walk around the house. Pick up any trash you see and put things back where they belong.
Maintenance is the key to staying clean. Let The Maids do your spring cleaning, then do what you can when you can—you'll be surprised how effective it is.
The Maids of Southeastern Massachusetts
1 Wamsutta St, New Bedford , MA 02740