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How You Can Discourage Yellow Jackets From Colonizing Your Home

The Maids • December 19, 2014

Commonly known as wasps, yellow jackets can be very irritating if you like enjoying the great doors. They can cause a lot of problems for you and your guests, if you want to have an outdoor event. There are various eco-friendly ways to help you get rid of yellow jackets effectively in your home

Store Food and Other Protein Sources Indoors

Yellow jackets are attracted to food rich in protein, so things such as pet foods and other such items should be stored indoors. During summer months, ensure that pet food is kept inside the house to discourage these wasps from coming into your home.

Use Mechanical, non-toxic Traps to Snare the Queen

These traps should be placed in strategic places at the beginning of summer months. This allows the traps to be in place just before the yellow jacket’s queens begin searching for favorable nesting grounds. A colony of yellow jackets has one queen, and killing this queen is likely to destroy the entire colony. These traps will help you to keep yellow jackets at bay

Store You Sugary Items Properly

Other than protein they are also drawn to swee things. Sugar gives them energy to grow and build stronger colonies. Remember to carry your snacks and drinks back in the house, after enjoying the outdoors. Don’t leave your sweet foods on the patio, remember to take them indoors

Always Seal Garbage Containers

Leaving garbage can open or sealed incorrectly will not only attract wildlife, but wasps in search of protein and sugar. Keeping all your garbage containers tightly sealed will keep them at bay.

Wasps are irritating and they can sting more than once unlike a honeybee. For more tips for keeping a clean and safe household, visit The Maids of South Coast in New Bedford, MA.

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