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The Secret to Managing Indoor Allergies

The Maids • November 28, 2014

Indoor allergens are things like: pet dander, mold, dust mites, and cockroach droppings. They can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms for allergy sufferers. Allergens are common on floors, furniture, and on many other surfaces in your home. Although no home can claim to be totally free of these allergens, regular cleaning can help control them. Below are some simple tips to reduce the allergens in your home:

Switch to Green Cleaning Products

Most chemicals used to make common household cleaners tend to aggravate or even trigger symptoms in allergy and asthma sufferers. If you happen to be sensitive to allergens, you may want to start by using green cleaning products. These environmentally friendly cleaning solutions are made from plant-based ingredients. You may also make own cleaning products using ingredients like vinegar, lemon and baking soda.

Vacuum to Curb Allergens

For areas that accumulate a lot of dust,like furniture and carpeting, vacuuming it at least once or twice a week can help control the allergens in the home. However, the downside of vacuuming is that it can send particles of dust into the air, which can also cause problems. The trick is to use a vacuum that has HEPA filter. This traps small dust particle and prevents them from getting back into the air.

Reduce Pet Dander

If you have pets, it is very important that you clean up after them regularly, as pet dander can be a significant allergy trigger. To reduce dander, vacuum frequently, wash your pet and its bedding once a week.

These tips should help you reduce allergen issues in your home. And if you would like assistance with your housekeeping tasks, then do not hesitate to contact The Maids of Southeastern Massachusetts, in New Bedford.

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